Enhance your Trans Cape SwimRun experience:
In 2023, our 'Tee or a Tree' initiative lets you choose whether you'd like to receive a Trans Cape SwimRun T-shirt or have a donation made on your behalf (of the same value) to the Friends of Meelup Regional Park. And if you'd like to have a 'tee' AND a 'tree', then you can make a donation on the landing page at registration.
As you're no doubt aware, the Meelup Regional Park was greatly impacted by a bushfire in January 2022. The Friends have been very busy repairing well-used bridges that were destroyed in the fire. Volunteers dismantled the old ones, designed and then built new bridges. Everything had to be wheelbarrowed in and after a huge effort, the bridges and pathways have been reopened to the public. In a truly collaborative community exercise, the Dunsborough Mens Shed helped build the bridges and volunteers did everything else.
All donations to the Friends of Meelup contribute to the welfare of the Park and your support is invaluable.

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