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Who are We?

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I was introduced to SwimRun by Paul Newsome while he was preparing for the Isle of Scilly SwimRun event. It was all a bit of a laugh, but after hearing about his experience in the race I was definitely intrigued. SwimRun was new and to me it seemed more pure and raw than the endurance sports I’d done before. Only catch was I had been only riding and hadn’t swum or run for 13 years. 


Getting off road, initially through mountain biking, has gifted me a real freedom and joy in training. Adding open water swimming to trail running brought exciting new potential to my sessions. I’ve been lucky to have lived in Margaret River for 4 years and so each day is a new adventure on the trails and the coastline that is at my door step. 


For me in finding a SwimRun partner I wanted someone who I’d connect with. The outcome was to join with Tara Yewers who is mum to my son’s best mate .... and it’s been fabulous. We’ve now done 6 SwimRun events and it’s brought our friendship and families closer together. 


So onto Trans Cape and the amazing opportunity that exists along the Cape Naturaliste coastline. I love to be inspired and I love inspiring those around me. Coming together within a challenge that involves obstacles, struggle, adversity, effort and obviously immense satisfaction is my version of bliss!



Co-founder Trans Cape SwimRun 


My introduction to SwimRun came a few years ago, via friends who were training to do the Sydney event. It sounded intriguing and they were certainly converts to this new, strange sport. Not long after, my friend Cate invited me to join her for the Rottnest SwimRun. We took to training along the beach, with shoes on, pull-buoys strapped to our legs and leaving strange looks in our wake.


Coming from a background of Triathlon, which I’d done for 20-odd years, this seemed like a great challenge and all the better for sharing it with my friend. Our Rottnest experience changed our friendship (for the better) and, as promised, allowed us to see the Island like we’d never done before.


When Aaron asked me to come on board to help bring Trans Cape SwimRun to life, I didn’t need much convincing. Having run along some of the beautiful Meelup trails in the past, I knew the location would be perfect, offering a unique experience of the Cape.


I hope you’ll be inspired by the beauty of the trails and bays on the course as you share them with your partner and forge an unforgettable bond.


Best wishes,


Trans Cape SwimRun

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